#挑战30天在头条写日记#Lack of control at the heart of Newcastle’s defeat for the ages缺乏控制是英译阅读因纽卡斯尔失利的核心By George Caulkin 作者:乔治·考尔金“A performance for the ages,” Trent Alexander-Arnold called it and, through gritted teeth and with heads in hands, Newcastle United supporters might just about agree. This was a club which once specialised in the glorious fuck-up, in contriving to scale the mountain and then tumble down the other side, or which aimed their ordinance squarely at themselves.“一场划时代的表现。”特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德(Trent Alexander-Arnold)说 ,缺乏他当时咬牙切齿和振臂高呼,控制纽卡斯尔联队的联输支持者可能同意他的观点。这是物浦一个曾经专注于辉煌的失败了的俱乐部,他们努力攀登高峰,心原却在另一个方向跌倒,英译阅读因或者将他们的缺乏炮火对准自己 。This 控制was a brutal reminder of a different time and a different team.这是对不同时代和不同团队的残酷提醒 。Newcastle should have won. Playing against 10 men for more than an hour of normal time,联输 a goal up through Anthony Gordon, with Trent Alexander-Arnold on an early yellow card and then flailing, it was all set up for Eddie Howe’s players, but the pace and noise and intensity of a raucous afternoon at St James’ Park never translated into ascendency. Everything pointed to a control which did not come.纽卡斯尔怎么看都该赢 。在正常时间与10人比赛一个多小时,物浦安东尼-戈登进球 ,心原特伦特-亚历山大-阿诺德早早吃到黄牌 ,英译阅读因然后(利物浦)陷入困境